Friday, 16 March 2018

Slices Of Slow Living // Self Care 101

Sometimes when you're living at 100mph you forget the small and simple pleasures throughout your day. Sometimes, self-care isn't about introducing new activities and habits, or even doing more of what feels good. Sometimes, a really easy way to introduce a bit of self-care into your day-to-day routine is to become better at noticing how certain activities make you feel and living slowly in these moments. These activities that you really want to notice are the relaxing, pleasurable activities which you may come across during your day. By living slowly, you can become better at unwinding, taking time for yourself, and taking a step back from your daily stressors! These are a few slices of slow living which I have been trying to pay more attention to in my daily routine.

Coffee shop trips

This isn't a daily thing, but it is a frequent occurrence (whenever I can afford it). I love to spend some time in a coffee shop either working, reading, or jotting down ideas for the blog! It's a lovely bit of time I spend by myself to collect my thoughts and focus on what matters at that moment. By taking breaks from whatever I am doing just to focus on the atmosphere around me is one of the best things I have started to do. Just noticing the music playing, the hustle and bustle of those around me, the sound of the coffee machine and the smell of food is so calming to me and really settles me into my surroundings.


I love a good candle and they really make me feel all cosy in my pretty drab uni room! I love to light them and, after a while, take a moment to appreciate the scents from each of them and the way they make my room feel cosy and inviting. This is especially nice when I am sat on my bed reading as it creates such a calming atmosphere. I feel so great inside my own little bubble!

Tidy space, tidy mind

One thing I love to do is to take a little bit of time before and during my work or studies to organise my desk space. It gives me some time away from the screen and gives me something to focus on for a while other than my work. Plus, I really appreciate a good tidy workspace and I really do think that the phrase 'tidy space, tidy mind' strongly applies to me. I cannot focus in clutter and just appreciating how tidy my workspace is from time-to-time makes doing my work a little more bearable.

Reading in bed

Speaking of simple pleasures, reading in bed is the ultimate! Just being in such a relaxed state and ready to be absorbed by a book is my favourite feeling! Just making the time to get super duper comfortable and do nothing but read for pleasure is so great! A bit of calming music and some candles make this a perfect moment to settle down and just chill!

Cooking a meal slowly

Usually, when (if) I cook, I am in a rush to make my food, eat my food and go on to do something else. However, I do quite enjoy cooking and occasionally I have the time to slowly prepare myself a meal. This is a time to try to cook something new or a favourite food and to savour each step of the process. Sometimes, I may even bake!


A good bath can cure anything! I love to take a lovely hot bath when I'm super stressed and tense, and when this makes my back and shoulders super achey! Taking that time to give myself a proper pamper is so needed sometimes and is the ultimate treat! Plus, I'm a sucker for Lush products so usually, I get to try out some goodies when I have a bath.


I have started to take moisturising way more seriously than I used to and I now moisturise my body as soon as I get out of the shower. I love a good shower and taking just that little bit of extra time after my shower to nourish my skin and to treat myself leaves me feeling so pampered! I am also more serious about keeping a full skincare routine and remembering to moisturise my face, and my skin LOVES me for it!


The great thing about music is that there is something to listen to for every mood and there's always new music to discover! Whether it's listening to a playlist on Spotify, one of my records or an old fave, music does me the world of good. While it's always nice to have background music, setting aside some time in the day to properly listen to and focus on music is such a good way to unwind!

Have a hot drink

No matter what your fave is, hot drinks can soothe your soul and make you feel warm and cosy. When I'm on the go during the day, I am constantly drinking coffee but I don't get to properly appreciate it unless I'm sat down in a cafe in a break. So, when I get home and I am laying in bed I love to have a lovely hot chocolate! It's a super rich treat and it usually sends me straight to sleep!


Walking is a great way to clear your head in the morning before work/school/uni, or after a long and busy day! This can be a planned walk or just a walk to and from where you need to be for the day! I walk everywhere now and it's done my a world of good! I feel better in uni and more alive, plus it makes me feel like I've achieved something when I reach my step goal for the day! The key for making the most of your walk, however, is taking in your surroundings and setting off early enough that you aren't rushing and super stressed about getting where you need to be on time! Savour it!

Wake up slow

One benefit of waking up earlier which I have discovered is the lovely feeling of waking up slowly and not being in a rush to throw yourself out of bed! You can do this in a number of ways. I like to drink a glass of water and have a good stretch when I wake up, before making my to-do lists and checking social media. You could maybe slowly get up and make a good coffee to enjoy in bed or just take the time to lay there and have a moment of mindfulness! Whatever works for you!

I hope that you enjoyed this post and found it useful! What do you do to slow down and chill out? I would love to know! x


  1. I love all of these things you listed. I can totally relate to going 100 mph because i'm a student athlete, i have my blog, plus i also have a part time job. Self care is so important even if you don't have time in the day.

    1. Totally! It's always important to make that time! x

  2. I'm going to try and spend some more time in cafe's with my laptop because it honestly makes me feel so calm and cosy! Slow walks are also brilliant for calming the mind.

    Sharni |

  3. I love candles, they're so relaxing and always make me feel chilled xx

    Gemma • Gemma Etc . ❤️


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