Friday, 24 November 2017

Turning 20 // A Year In Review

This month (in three days to be exact) I am turning twenty. Not having 'teen' at the end of my age is a very scary and daunting prospect. As a kid, I thought I would have everything figured out by twenty. Wrong. Not even close!

What did I accomplish as a nineteen-year-old? I guess that should be the focus, to avoid a rather bleak picture of my failures in life (sorry little Jess, you still won't have learned to drive or mastered guitar by now). Well, I did complete my first year at university, meet a lot of interesting and cool people, see a talk by one of my favourite psychologists, get a new job, move into a new house, and find a new favourite book series.

Another actual achievement: I got involved in volunteering, more than I ever have before. It's super rewarding and in this next year of my life, I want to do even more! I also actively pursued help for a lot of issues that I was scared to talk about. I'm kinda proud of myself for that.

I went on a holiday this year for the first time in two or three years! I got to see a lot more of Cornwall and had a lovely time catching up with my family!

I learned a lot too this year. I encountered a little bit of romance (and subsequent disappointment), passed a lot of exams and read a lot of self-help guides. I also watched Bridget Jones a LOT and I swear the lessons from that film never stop.

Twenty seems like a landmark age, reaching two decades of life on this earth and breaking out of the troublesome teenage years. I am going to try to be an optimist about this next year. There are a lot of things that I would like to change and pursue and I have a strange feeling that this next year is going to be a big one.

Thank you for getting through these ramblings with me! Here's to many more ramblings in the future!


Follow Me @jessistryingblog